A drug that has a pronounced androgenic effect, actively stimulating the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men.

We offer a full range of supplements for sports activities and cross-training.

Side Effects
Studies are made to minimize, if not eliminate side effects and ensure safety.

Scientific application of lab results mean optimized results in the gym.
Testosterone phenylpropionate
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a pharmacological agent that differs significantly from Nandrolone Decanoate by a shorter chain of esters, which facilitates rapid assimilation of the drug and has a shorter duration of action.
What Our Custumers say

I've managed to stay with Durabolin 3 times a week, for over 6 months now, and I owe it all to the classes that make you fall in love with the process.
Rod Strunk

I was introduced to Phenylpropionate many years ago, ninety pounds ago in fact. I see a huge benefit with their combination of workout and goal setting.
Carlos Velasquez
Choose your Package
Pick a package that best fits your body type and goals. All packages offer a full money back guarantee.