In order to avoid intravascular injection is fundamentally necessary to carry out the test for aspiration, which when used cartridges are especially suitable injection syringes...
In order to avoid intravascular injection is fundamentally necessary to carry out the test for aspiration, which when used cartridges are especially suitable injection syringes...
It has a rapid effect (latent period – 1 to 3 minutes). The duration of anesthesia is not less than 45 min. Because of the...
In all cases, you must be prepared, if necessary, to provide emergency relief to the patient. In the event of hypersensitivity reactions the introduction of...
Perhaps the development of serious neurological complications. It is recommended to carefully monitor the patient’s condition. To prevent a large number of drug phenylpropanoate in...
The doses when administered under the lining of the brain.Adults:The dosages may largely depend on the chosen clinical problem, examination technique and the region.If you...
Before the introduction of the vial should be inspected carefully. If you violate the integrity of the bottle, substantial color change, you notice visible particulate...
It has enterosorbiruyuschee, detoxication and antidiarrhoeal effect. It refers to a group of polyvalent physical and chemical antidotes. Has a high surface activity, it absorbs...
Relationship to plasma proteins – 95%. Omeprazole is almost completely metabolized in the liver. It is an inhibitor of testosterone phenylpropionate enzyme system. The half-life...
Omeprazole inhibits the enzyme npp steroid( “proton pump”) in the gastric parietal cells, and thereby block the final step of the synthesis of hydrochloric acid....